In this era of globalization, competition & growth it is also the high time that as residents of this country - we compare ourselves with our counterpart citizens in developed world and learn very quickly as where and how to improve- so as to shed behind the tag & the misery of a poor and still a developing country.
The world has rather become small and - gladly with a smartphone in almost every hand, we Indians are not much behind in using the modern gadgets or digital technology.
With “India @100” not far- we must never miss the flight to be- soon a “Developed & Happy Nation”!
Let us not forget that it is the masses of a nation who take it ahead! Sadly we are largely a poor country with only a handful of population living good or satisfying quality of life. Should we also realize that no government can do much, unless everyone practices self responsibility to himself and the society ?
It is now the high time to realize that no nation can become great or get to the top unless its citizens also deliver their best. In this era of globalization, we have to evaluate– is our enormous population really effective and efficient?
We have to discover WHO WE ARE !!
Let also the able & wise- come to guidance & help of those in need!
Life is always wonderful and can be amazing for anyone. The purpose of life for every human being is to live it fully in true sense, explore own full potential and experience happiness throughout.
Science says & we too firmly believe- this is possible with just simple set of daily practices!