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New and Developed India Movement

What is the "New and Developed India Movement" and why is it needed?

For every country, its citizens are the biggest asset and they are responsible for the progress, development and prosperity of the nation. In the last 77 years after independence, despite progress in all fields in the country, we are still far away from the dream of a developed nation. Also, uncleanliness, disorder and disregard for civic duty and traffic rules are common sights in our country.

Challenges for Us

countries, most Indians have a great need to improve personal development, work passion, efficiency, excellence, sense of nationalism and performance of civic duties. "Personal life management" is an ideal lifestyle, through which progress, empowerment and self-development of every citizen in our country is possible. Hence, it is a very urgent need of today's time.

Self Appraisal

1. Do most of us lead our purposeful or well organized lives? 
2. Are we self motivated & do we try to explore & realize our potential?
3. Do majority of us pursue our dreams or just want a comfortable job?
4. Do most of us have the passion to do something really good for ourselves, our families and the society? 
5. Do we think enough and practice to manage our lives?

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1. Are we really a disciplined society & do we care much about our civic obligations?
2. What & where is our National Character or are we missing it ?
3. Are we a society largely casual or are good & meticulous in our work/attitude?
4. Are the majority of us really devoted & sincere enough into our

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Despite this brighterside, let’s not forget that we continue to be a poor country, looked-down upon & lagging massively behind the desired prosperity & also our deserved position at the world stage. With regret-this is while being the biggest democracy & home to 1/5th of global population. Poor infrastructure, poverty, ignorance and inequality are all just too evident everywhere.We bear disproportionately large disease burden, maximum accidents & related deaths; are still largely dependent on developed nations for def...

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What a display of civic sense do we notice on our roads in almost every city & town? Be it a car, bike, bus or auto-rikshaw-nearly everyone is in a unruly hurry, unconcerned about fellow citizens and risking safety of everybody–wanting to just rush up or overtake somehow - from left, right, front, back or oblique.  In the traffic- be the lights red or green-all too often- (lost in himself & unbothered), we see the pedestrians crossing the roads! And also no worries if at night- headlights of most vehicles are in...

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Doo we realize what wonders we can do individually and together? No doubt we are a society of brilliant people but does it look that we have forgotten our true-self & potential? If we awaken and resolve – then we can surely deliver many fold output, with quality added into everything. We have the added assets of our mesmerizing heritage, inspiring values, great culture, wisdom of Swami Vivekananda & many more national heroes, teachings of Geeta & other Holy books- but have we have forgotten our true identity and...

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