New and Developed India Campaign

State Of Our Nation

Despite this brighterside, let’s not forget that we continue to bea poor country, looked-down upon & lagging massively behind the desired prosperity & also our deserved position at the world stage. With regret-this is while being the biggest democracy & home to 1/5th of global population. Poor infrastructure, poverty, ignorance and inequality are all just too evident everywhere. We bear disproportionately large disease burden, maximum accidents & related deaths; are still largely dependent on developed nations for defense equipment, advanced technology or science.


  • 1. Why do we lag in skill, innovation & design?
  • 2. We don’t export enough?
  • 3. Is our enormous work force and youth sufficiently productive?
  • 4. Why do we lag so much behind smaller nations at Olympics?
  • 5.Are we a society talking much about our rights but little of our duties and leave too much upon governments alone to do everything to take the country forward? As people should we also take the blame or just the governments?
Challenges for Us